Tuesday, April 14, 2015

@superchargedmom : the hardest working teacher in NJ

Note: This blog's been quiet lately. Lots going on in my world that is keeping me away from my laptop. But as with everything, "this too shall pass". Meantime, something short and sweet...

If you're plugged into NJ education politics, then you no doubt know about the hardest working teacher on Twitter: @superchargedmom.

Not only is she a full time mom to two little children, a middle school teacher and an adjunct professor, she is also waging a one woman PR campaign aimed at Gov. Christie and Senate President Steve Sweeney to fully fund NJ's pensions. And now it seems she's taken on Hillary Clinton, too.

I'm an early riser, but 'SCM' starts posting long before my eyes open. As I write this it's 7:30am. In the past two hours alone, she's posted 30 memes about hard working public employees like this...

and this...

and this...

And this day's just getting started! I can't imagine how many more she'll post by the time I get home this evening. I wish she'd bottle and sell that energy.

Her fight to save public education and stop the abuse of public employees does not end with 140 characters. She is a regular speaker at the NJ State Board of Ed open forum meetings, and is a one woman news feed on Facebook. 

This kind of passion does not come from someone who is "lazy", "greedy" or "selfish". This kind of dedication does not come from someone who doesn't care about her students. Quite the opposite: this kind of passion comes from someone who cares deeply about her students, her profession and all the children of NJ, and who will go to any lengths to fight for them.

If she puts this much of herself into advocating for her students, imagine what she does with them in the classroom? They are so lucky to have her as their teacher.

Thank you for all you do, superchargedmom!

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